About Me

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Miami, Florida
Ivan Galindo, the renowned Cuban sculptor, was born in the province of Matanzas, Cuba, May 28, 1968. He has won numerous awards for his drawings and sculptures throughout his career, a recognized member of the Miami art scene. His public works include sculptures and reliefs size of a wall, huge monumental works in marble, bronze and wood and religious icons are scattered throughout the churches in the U.S.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Monday, October 10, 2011

Ivan Galindo Art Studio en Al Ritmo del Dia, MegaTV.

.... crecí escuchando por supuesto la música cubana el Benny, Celia y otros, me gusta resaltar las diferentes personalidades artísticas, es una manera de homenajear en señal de respeto y admiración a esos artistas cuando hago una escultura de alguno de ellos.